Knowledge about crocodile bag.

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If mention of leather handbags, crocodile bag, then we must accept that. "Crocodile Bag" is very popular and seems to be a luxurious product because the raw materials. Soft, flexible, durable and naturally beautiful. Designs of leather handbags, crocodile bag, made ​​from crocodile leather will be available individually. Of course, that whether we buy Crocodile pattern leather slip a few cards are not unique. You will get to feel warm when you touch and feel the taste and elegance of the piece. The softness of the leather, crocodile bag leather, alligator makes sewing easier and more comfortable to use.

Crocodile is widely used to produce various kinds of leather products such as belts, luggage, crocodile handbags, crocodile shoulder bags, crocodile wallet, pocket money or even sought bargains. And Furnishings A few years ago, crocodile leather products are very marketable due to the shortage. The hunt for the crocodile leather used to make some crocodile species close to extinction. I held a meeting in the year 2523 by a group of crocodile leather industry for strict measures to hunt alligators. The habitat of the crocodiles in Australia, Asia, Africa and Australia is a major exporter of crocodile leather.
The Crocodile Farm has 18 locations in Queensland (Queensland), northern and western Australia. Source of saltwater crocodile skin are considered the best in the world and also the most popular in Australia too. Products from Crocodile good grades like a suitcase, briefcase, crocodile bag, crocodile wallet, belt, etc. are made ​​from crocodile leather from Australia. Crocodile is currently allow traders to trade only Crocodile farm production to countries that have signed the treaty under CTIES (Convention on International Trade and Endangered Species of World Fauna and Flora Treaty) in year 2336, to control the amount of natural crocodiles are extinct.
Will have to wait for at least 3 years to grow enough to feed the crocodile measures 40 cm around the torso., Which is the scale used. Crocodile usually is divided into two parts, the first part is the back. And other parts of the Great movie with a very high price.
However, the product of crocodile leather such as crocodile bag, crocodile wallet is commonly used for. The famous and who are we as a look at the use of products made of crocodile skin, some of Japan's most popular running shoes and handbags made ​​of leather. America is often a work order, such as Crocodile. It is considered quite the luxury class. European production of crocodile leather products are the major source of Italy by the Russian, German and Spanish will be an importer from Italy.









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